- Provided to eligible employees that are members of one of the following unions
- DC37 Local 372 & Local 891
- Must be a permanent full-time employee w/valid employee ID# and
- School must have designated DOT-authorized parking spaces
- Eligibility Employees must apply using DOE Parking permit portal
Anyone UFT/ DC37 Local 372 Local 891 CSA
The placards will become effective on November 1 of each year and are specific to the building's authorized on-street parking spaces (marked by signs that read No Parking School Days 7AM to 4 PM Department of Education) and cannot be used for travel between schools and other DOE facilities.
The placards will be delivered to the Custodial Engineers, who in turn will deliver them to the principal(s).
Each school principal can retain one placard for his/her exclusive use with the remainder pooled and issued daily on a first-come, first-served basis to all school employees. If a parking space is available, a staff member will park, retrieve a placard from the front office and place it in his/her vehicle. At the end of the school day, the placard will be returned to the office for the next day's use.
With regard to off-street parking spaces (i.e., parking lot spaces), it is the responsibility of the principal(s) to determine the appropriate number available on the grounds of their building and to design a suitable placard for use in these spaces. The first-come, first-served approach will apply to the off-street spaces as well. If a principal does not require an on-street or off-street placard, it must become part of the general pool and cannot be assigned to another individual.
Parking staff vehicles in off-street locations cannot interfere with the maintenance and operation of the schools, including the need to provide physical fitness activities and recreation for our students.
For schools in campus settings, proportional allocations are based on enrollment.
Use of NYC DOE Parking Permits
Examples of where an employee can park with a valid permit:
The “DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION” portion of the signage confirms that the spaces are DOT authorized parking for DOE employees.
These signs show that permitted DOE employees may park here only during school days for the times listed - note that the NO STANDING and NO PARKING rules do NOT apply to authorized parking spaces.

Examples where an employee is NOT allowed to park even with a valid permit
The illustrations below are only some examples of street signage. Signage may vary at each school building. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obey all parking signage at all times. The DOE will not be responsible for any summons issued.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where do I apply for a parking permit?
Staff members should apply for parking permits online.
If there is an issue, please try opening the application in a different browser or change the compatibility settings on your current browser.
Where can I find my employee reference number?
Your employee reference number is the seven (7) digit employee identification number found on your pay stub.
Why am I ineligible for a DOE parking permit?
- Your school building does not have designated DOE parking spaces; therefore you will not be issued a parking permit.
- You are not affiliated with one of the approved unions.
- Your employee reference number is invalid.
If you believe you meet the eligibility requirements and still are having issues please email: DOEParkingpermits@schools.nyc.gov
If I have more than one (1) car registered under my name may I get more than one (1) permit or can both license plate numbers go onto the parking permit?
No, a staff member will only be assigned one (1) parking permit. Only one (1) license plate number is permissible on the permit.
If my car is registered in my spouse’s name or a family member’s name, is that acceptable?
Yes, but the parking permit must be in your name and the license plate number listed on the permit must match the tags on the vehicle.
Do Charter Schools employees receive DOE parking permits?
Charter schools in buildings with DOE designated parking spaces have received parking permits in proportion to their enrollment and the total number of available spaces. They will continue to receive the same number of permits usable on a first come, first served basis.
Does the new policy allow staff to park in spots with DOT signs stating, “No Parking School Days 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM”?
No. Parking is only allowed in locations with appropriate signage. See attached for images of agency authorized parking signs.
Must the employees’ name and plate number be placed on the parking permit?
As of November 2 2017, names are no longer displayed on parking permits.
Does the vehicle have to be registered in New York State?
Permits may only be issued to vehicles registered in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
At my school, there are no DOE authorized parking signs, but there is a sign that reads “No Parking School Days.” Does this make me eligible for a parking permit?
The “No Parking School Days” sign is not an authorized parking sign, nor does it allow staff members to park at these locations. These signs are for school buses that are dropping off and picking-up students.
My school is a new school. How do we request parking spaces?
As per city policy, the number of parking spaces and locations were capped citywide in 2009; no new parking spaces were to be installed for any faculty at any public, charter, or non-public school. In addition, the spaces allocated to closed or relocated schools are non-transferable. Those parking spaces would not move with the school, nor would the new school moving in to the building inherit them.
I’m a member of a charter school that has grown significantly and added more staff. How do we obtain more parking permits?
Charter schools in buildings with DOE designated parking spaces have received permits in proportion to their enrollment and the total number of available spaces. They will continue to receive the same number of permits usable on a first come, first served basis.
I’m a member of a union that is not specifically listed as eligible for parking permits. Can I be eligible for a parking permit?
No. Only full-time Department of Education employees that are members of DC 37 Local 372 school-based employees, UFT and CSA are eligible for parking permits.
I am currently represented by the UFT working as a substitute or per-diem staff member. Am I eligible for a parking permit?
No. Permits are only issued to permanent full time staff in buildings with DOT authorized parking spaces.
Are F-status staff members eligible for a parking permit?
I work in more than one (1) school, but only have a permit for one (1) site. How do I apply for a second parking permit?
A person can only possess one (1) permit. Your school must identify you as an itinerant employee to be eligible for an itinerant parking permit.
I am an employee from another agency within the city, but I work in a school. Am I eligible for a parking permit?
Currently, the DOE parking permit application is only for DOE employees. The data supporting the parking permit application derives from the DOE’s HR system.
The streets are listed incorrectly on our DOE parking permits, what do we do?
Email the DOE Parking Permit Unit at DOEParkingpermits@schools.nyc.gov
How do I obtain an itinerant DOE parking permit?
Staff assigned to multiple locations can apply for a DOE parking permit using the same portal as school based staff.
Can I laminate the parking permit?
No, parking permits cannot be altered or duplicated.
What do I do if my permit is damaged, lost or stolen?
If your permit is damaged, lost or stolen, you may report it by using the DOE Parking Permit portal option that reads “Report & Replace Lost/Stolen/Damaged Permit.”
Before a replacement can be issued, damaged permits must be returned to:
Division of School Facilities
Attn: DOE Parking Permit Unit
44-36 Vernon Blvd, 5th floor
Long Island City, NY 11101
In addition, a police report must accompany any replacement request for a lost or stolen permit.
I have a new car and new license plate number, how do I apply for a new permit?
Request for a license plate change must be done through the DOE Parking Permit Portal using the option that reads “Update Vehicle Information.”
Before a new parking permit can be issued, the previous permit must be returned to:
Division of School Facilities
Attn: DOE Parking Permit Unit
44-36 Vernon Blvd, 5th floor
Long Island City, NY 11101
Please note: Your license plate number must match the one on the permit to be valid.
My school/permit type listed on the DOE Parking Portal is incorrect, how do I make the correction?
Check with your school that information is updated in the DOE’s HR systems. Then request the change through the DOE Parking Permit portal using the option “Request to Change School or Permit Type.”
What do I do if I receive a parking ticket?
It is the permit holder’s responsibility to adjudicate any summons that they may receive while parked near a school building. The Department of Education will not be responsible for any fines or summons issued by NYPD.