Contracts for Excellence 2009-10 Annual Hearings

2009-2010 Approved Citywide Plan

New York City's 2009-2010 Contracts for Excellence Year Three Contracts plan has been approved by the New York State Education Department (SED).

2009-2010 Proposed Citywide Plan

2009-2010 NYC Contracts for Excellence - Submitted Plan

New York City formally submitted its 2009-2010 Contracts for Excellence proposal to the State Education Department on November 13, 2009. Details of the submission appear below, as per regulatory requirements.

Citywide Reports

The following reports are generated by the State Education Department's web portal and are required to be posted within 48 business hours of a district's formal submission of its plan.

School-Level Details

Maintenance of Effort for 2008-2009 (Year Two) C4E Funds:
Maintenance of Effort for 2007-2008 (Year One) C4E Funds:

As described below, the NYCDOE intends to maintain effort for programs established using Contracts for Excellence funds in 2007-2008 - the first year of C4E implementation statewide - as stipulated in its approved 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 plans.

2009-2010 NYC Contracts for Excellence - Plan for Public Comment

The documents below contain detailed information about New York City’s proposed spending of its 2009-2010 Contracts for Excellence maintenance of effort allocation from New York State.

Overview of Plan

Maintenance of Effort for 2008-2009 (Year Two) C4E Funds:
Maintenance of Effort for 2007-2008 (Year One) C4E Funds:
  • For 2009-2010, the NYCDOE intends to maintain effort for programs established using Contracts for Excellence funds in 2007-2008 - the first year of C4E implementation statewide - as stipulated in its approved 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 plans
  • Reports outlining school-level 2007-2008 maintenance of effort spending (Open external link)can be accessed here by following these steps
    • Select the year "2008"
    • Select the district you would like to view (e.g., NYC Geog Dist #1) and click "Get Reports"
    • Under the header "Original Reports", Select "Maintenance of Effort Report"
  • This report outlines how schools were approved to use 2007-2008 funds in 2008-2009 and therefore also reflects proposed 2009-2010 uses

Performance Targets

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